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A simple solution
to accurate 3D antenna alignment.

Configuring 3-Dimensional beamforming pattern
is the critical factor of proper 5G base station installation and maintenance, and Magenta technology can provide a simple solution to accurate 3D antenna alignment.


Our Products.

Magenta series, the world’s smallest 3-Dimensional vector measurement devices, measure the radial direction of the 5G base station to promote rapid rollout while minimizing RF spectrum and coverage loss.

Magenta Ⅰ is a handheld instrument that measures the 3-Dimensional orientation of the base station or antenna using the sunlight algorithm to ensure proper installation and optimization of antenna or base station.

Magenta Ⅱ will be provided a stationary monitoring instrument attached to the base station or antenna that feeds real-time 3-Dimensional orientation of the base station or antenna through AISG, NB-IOT, 4G and 5G modem.

See, Our amazing
Magenta Technology

Get the mobile magenta app.

You can measure accurate
Azimuth, Tilt, Roll with our "Magenta sensor".

Please contact us.

About us

Welcome to SensorCane.

SensorCane was founded to promote safer, effective operation and management of both public and private infrastructures by providing highly accurate and precise sensors and application solutions.

Our sensor system and solutions will optimize the total system operation when integrated with the individual subsystem.

Magenta series can also determine the 3-D orientation and change in the alignment of any structures, from small objects like antennas to large structures like pylons and buildings. In addition, our products can replace or supplement GPS based orientation sensors that are vulnerable to electromagnetic fields.

SensorCane will continue to develop and supply various solutions for Smart Sensor System.

Our Clients

We are bringing innovations with many amazing people and companies.


SensorCane, Unit 2523 ,54, Sunae-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
SensorCane, Unit 2523 ,54, Sunae-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
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